Works Out Of The Box
Artos can be used for functional, system, end to end or unit testing. It was developed to provide a test framework which works out of the box so users can focus more on development of test cases.
Artos is written in Java which makes it suitable for Windows, Linux, Mac or any other platform that runs Java.
Most of the test frameworks only provide test runner/executor and rest is left on test engineers to develop, Whereas Artos comes with many inbuilt and well tested utilities saving time for users to focus on what they do best!
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Testing Made Easy
Get it going in no time!
Artos runner can start executing test case(s) by simply invoking main method with just couple of lines of code. Out of the box, Users do not require to provide any external test script(s) or configuration(s). Artos will auto generate all required configurations to make users life easy.
Functional test framework
Artos unlike other frameworks assumes that test cases will go through development/debugging phases prior to and post any feature development. Thus Artos comes along with all necessary tools to help test engineer achieve their test goals faster and making the test cases development and maintenance much easier.
Log files and reports
Logs and Reports are the heart of any test framework and Artos provides inbuilt and pre-configured logging framework (based on Log4j) and report generation tool (based on Extent reporting).
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Written by Testers for Testers
We understand the pain
debugging made easy
GUI Test selector
Auto Test Script generation
Raw Log file
Real time log file
Management report
Log consolidation in directory
Fail stamp in logs
Test Plan in the log (BDD formatter)
Test cases can be known to fail
Manual/Semi-automated test cases are reality
GUI Counter
GUI Text
Live GUI update
Test Selector to re-run or run multiple time